Being a school counselor, I am a huge believer in self-care and the benefits that it has for your mental health! This is the main reason that I make sure to take care of myself; skin care, nails, quiet-time, and nice calming baths.
Graham asked me the other day if we could have a spa day, and of course I said yes!
Planning the Spa Day
Planning ahead is essential for really any activity you want to do with kids. A successful kid-friendly spa day, allows for a seamless and enjoyable experience for both parents and children alike. (I may or may not have yelled at the kids, during my planning time…oops) I wanted to plan a calming environment and some DIY kid-friendly spa treatments.
Calming Environment
I wanted us all to be together, so for us the living room was the best place. I knew I wanted some type of pedicure or foot soak, so to bring the kids closer to the floor I brought down Audri’s chair and a part of Graham’s Nugget.
When I think spa, I think cozy and relaxing, so we all got into comfy jammies.
The kids picked a show to put on the TV, to help keep them in one place.
Finally, I lit a “spa-smelling” candle.
DIY Spa Treatments for Kids
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Face Mask
Every single time, I put on a face mask, my kids ask if they can have one too. I worry about putting the same stuff I use onto their skin, so I have always said no. I knew the first thing I needed to find for our spa-day was a kid-safe mask. I searched Pinterest and settled on a banana face mask.

The kid’s didn’t seem to mind it on their face, and were even upset when I said it was time to take them off.
The grown ups, just stick to the clay mask that I always use.

Foot Soak
My favorite part of a pedicure is the foot soak, so I wanted the kids to do that as well.
It was super simple. I found two plastic bins that we just had lying around. I fill each with warm water and then put in a little bit of epsom salt. We use epsom salt in the kids’ bath at least once a week and they love it! They ask for a calming bath every night.

Family Fun
We kept it simple, but the next day both kids asked when we could do a spa day again!
This was such a great way to get in some family time.

Spa day not your thing? We do family game nights too!!