About Us

We are the Secens


Hi, I’m Jocelyn


A 30 something from Pittsburgh, PA trying to navigate through this crazy *pandemic* life!

I am currently on maternity leave from my job as a transition counselor, where I work with students in special education ages 14-21 to help them and their families figure out life after high school. Working with students in special education is truly a passion of mine and being part of their journey is so rewarding.

I met my amazing husband in 2013, about 2 weeks after graduating from college. We have been together ever since, and there is no one I would rather share this life with.

In January of 2019, we welcomed our son Graham into the world and in September of 2021 we welcomed our daughter Audriana.

I love all things baking! Graham and I spend a lot of time baking together in the kitchen (while we dance of course). I also love crafting, reading, and photography.

Most of all, I love spending time with my family, and I am soaking in this stay-at-home mom life while I can!

Introduction to Her Better Half


I’m Eric, as mentioned in the heading, I am Jocelyn’s better half. We met, what feels like yesterday, in 2013 at Jury Duty. I will go into more detail about that in a future post.

I have lived in Pittsburgh my entire life, except for the four years I spent in Erie, PA attending Penn State Behrend. The weather for 9 months out of the year is not for the faint of heart, but if you can handle the cold during those months, it is a beautiful place during the other 3 months. 

Beginning in January 2019 my life has changed for the better. Graham has been attached to my hip ever since then. We love to wrestle, play board games, play hockey, soccer, and tee ball in the driveway, and most of all, play at the park.

 I was again blessed in the fall of 2021 with our beautiful daughter Audriana. Our favorite things to do currently are cuddle and laughing together. She is starting to crawl so I can’t wait to begin our adventures together.

In my free time I love spend time with my family and doing small carpentry projects around the house. I also love to golf, and I will watch any sport on TV or in person. And when I just want to sit down and relax with an adult beverage my favorites are a good bourbon/scotch or an IPA. 

I work as a Senior Financial Analyst at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Although I don’t live to work, I do enjoy what I do and the company I work for. I am proud to be employed by a company that provides the world with important science and medical products.

I look forward to sharing our adventures and knowledge that we’ve picked up over the years with you as we continue to navigate life with two small children

How Did We Meet?


Jury Duty

I know what you’re thinking…”NO WAY! Wait, were one of you on trial?”  We both share a bit about how we met on our About Us page in our extended blog posts.


May 29 – Met

June 22 – Starting Dating



June 23 – Married


January 30 – Graham was born


September 19 – Audriana was born


May 1 – Started our blog journey

This is Us

All professional images above caputured by The Bainbridge Studio