The Cutest Beach Pudding Dessert for Summer

The Cutest Beach Pudding Dessert for Summer

Every summer, my kids and I look on Pinterest for summer themed crafts and activities. One that they thought was really cute were summer themed dirt cups. We put our little spin on it and it turned out so delicious. This Beach Pudding is easy to make, requires only a...
How to Melt Crayons into Cute Shapes

How to Melt Crayons into Cute Shapes

When I was scrolling through dinosaur party decorations online, I found the most adorable silicone mold and knew I wanted to use it for something! The mold is normally used for chocolate, but I decided to use it for crayon party favors! Materials Lots of old crayons...
A Kid-Friendly Spa Day at Home

A Kid-Friendly Spa Day at Home

Being a school counselor, I am a huge believer in self-care and the benefits that it has for your mental health! This is the main reason that I make sure to take care of myself; skin care, nails, quiet-time, and nice calming baths. Graham asked me the other day if we...
Hosting the Perfect Holiday Brunch

Hosting the Perfect Holiday Brunch

After having Graham (almost 5 years ago!), Eric and I decided that we wanted to host for the holidays. This allows us to not have to travel and the kids can stay home and play with their toys. When deciding on what meal to host, we chose brunch. A brunch allows for an...
A Holiday Gift for Teachers

A Holiday Gift for Teachers

Simply Secen earns from qualifying purchases. This post contains affiliate links. If you choose to purchase after clicking a link, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. As the holiday season draws near, it’s time to start thinking about the...