A Kid-Friendly Spa Day at Home

A Kid-Friendly Spa Day at Home

Being a school counselor, I am a huge believer in self-care and the benefits that it has for your mental health! This is the main reason that I make sure to take care of myself; skin care, nails, quiet-time, and nice calming baths. Graham asked me the other day if we...
Easter Basket Ideas for Toddlers

Easter Basket Ideas for Toddlers

Simply Secen earns from qualifying purchases. This post contains affiliate links. If you choose to purchase after clicking a link, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Hello! As warm weather is approaching (unless you are in Pittsburgh, PA that is hard...
Graham’s Toddler Room

Graham’s Toddler Room

It has been one year, since we completed Graham’s “Big Boy” room! He was so excited for his new bed and his Nugget couch. Still not sure if he even noticed anything passed those two things at first. We decorated his nursery in a dinosaur theme, so we...
Summer Travel Must Haves for Families

Summer Travel Must Haves for Families

We are visiting my sister and niece next week. They live about an hour outside of Williamsburg, VA. Every time we visit, we make sure to hit up an amusement park, the beach, and typically something historical too. This time is no different, as we are planning to go to...
Fun and Easy Outside Activity for Toddlers

Fun and Easy Outside Activity for Toddlers

Have you ever wanted to go on a walk, but the second you started out your toddler started whining? Then you are 5 minutes into your walk, and contemplating turning around so they stop complaining? Been there!! While most times, Graham loves to go for walks there are...
Summer Schedule and Activities for Toddlers

Summer Schedule and Activities for Toddlers

This year was different than most, as I was on maternity leave instead of at work Monday-Friday from about 7am-3pm. When I am at work, Graham spends the day at a lovely day care close to where I work. I love that he is on a schedule and is always doing fun activities...