The start of the school year is always an adjustment for us; I go back to work, kids go back to daycare, and now a dog that is alone during the day! It can be hard to find a work-life balance, but even harder to keep a clean house AND get in family time. On top of that, over the summer our routine and schedule is a bit lax, so getting back into the swing of things can be a bit difficult, especially with young children.

I can not speak for school age children (yet), but I know a change to their “normal” days, causes some behavioral issues. This year going back to school, we saw an increase in those behaviors during the day and even on the weekends. We needed to create a better routine and by establishing a well-structured family routine you can transform the chaos into calm for everyone.

The Benefits of a Family Routine for All Children

  1. Consistency and Predictability
  2. Emotional Stability (for all!)
  3. Helps to Establish Healthy Habits
  4. Quality Family Time
  5. Time Management
  6. Improved Academic Performance

What we are including in our Routine

I wasn’t really sure where to start or what was important to include, so I found a blog post titled Create a Family Rountine that Works, to help me get started.

  1. Consistent Wake-Up and Bedtime: I have to be at work by 7am, so that means my kids need to be up by 6am. An early wake up also means an early bedtime. We try to make sure both kids are asleep by 8:30pm. Sometimes, they complain about going to bed too early – they see the sun out and kids playing – but it is essential that they get enough sleep with their early wake up!
  2. Morning Routine: Eric takes on morning duty so I can finish getting ready, when it’s time to wake the kids. We keep mornings pretty simple for the kids: Wake up, go to the bathroom, brush teeth, get dressed. Thankfully our daycare provides breakfast, so we don’t have to include that step.
  3. Meal Planning: This SAVES us during the week and makes grocery shopping so easy!
  4. Mealtimes: We make sure to sit down as a family for every dinner and all weekend meals.
  5. Weekly Planning: We use a family calendar to keep track of important dates, such as school events, appointments, family activities, and extracurricular activities.
  6. Outdoor Time: It is so important to get outside and be active! Getting a dog has helped us to be outside and active much more often.
  7. Screen Time Guidelines: No IPad on the weekdays. This allows us to have the needed family time. After bath time, we all sit together and watch some tv before bed.
  8. Chores and Responsibilities: We have a chore chart with some very basic and age appropriate expectations; throw away trash, feed pets, clean up toys, put plates in sink, put clothes in the hamper. We are also working to increase some of the house keeping chores so we focus on one room a weekend to deep clean before the kids wake up! Honestly, our kids come first, so we usually go to bed with dishes in the sink…#sorrynotsorry
  9. Bedtime Routine: Shower, get dressed, tv time, brush teeth and potty, two books, lights out. If anyone has tips for independent sleep, because right now we lay with both kids, that would be great!
  10. Prepare Clothing and Supplies: We have found mornings move much faster if we put out the kids clothes the night before.
  11. Flexibility: While a routine is so important, everyday is different and you NEED to be flexible. We make sure to focus on the daily needs of our children and not a minute by minute schedule.
  12. Family Time: Every single day we make sure to play together in some way!
Extras on the Weekends or Breaks
  1. Play and Learning Time: I like to make sure to include at least one structured play or learning activity during the day. I have a whole blog post with ideas for toddlers!
  2. Nap Time: Both kids nap at school, but only Audri naps on the weekends.
  3. Quiet Time: Graham may not nap, but during that time he is in his room on his IPad, listening to his Tonie, looking through his books, or laying down.
Our family command center: calendar, important dates, meal plan, chore chart

Has it worked?

Creating a family routine with young children may require some effort and flexibility, but for us it has already paid off! I know our list seems really long, but most are things you do in a day without realizing it.

We have had less meltdowns during the week, there is more willingness to help with chores, we are working on being more active together, and bedtime has been easier. Mommy and Daddy have also been having an easier time finding that work-life balance and have noticed a decrease in stress (most days).

Remember that each family is unique, so tailor your routine to your children’s needs and your family’s dynamics. With patience, consistency, and love, you can create a family routine that provides less chaos and leads to happier kids…and grownups!