
Hi, I’m Eric and as Jocelyn mentioned, we are so happy you’re here and hope you stick around to become part of our family.

I also grew up just outside of Pittsburgh, in a town north of the city called Hampton Township. I am the oldest of four kids. I have a sister, six years younger, and two brothers, 12 and 13 years younger. It was hard for us to relate to each other or have a strong relationship with the age gap, but as the years have gone on, we have become much closer.

If you’re wondering why there is such a large age gap between my brothers and me, it’s because they are from a second marriage. It’s not something I like to talk about because, to me, they are still my brothers, and I am so happy that I can call them that. With that being said, the second marriage came out of the worst time in my life. On August 20, 1996, my mom lost her battle with cancer, she was only 33. I will never forget that day. I slept over a friend’s house and came home to a large group of people at my house. My dad sat me down and told me, and I can still remember the feeling that went through my body; and the scream I let out. Her passing has shaped me as a person.

From an early age I thought I was going to be a Navy SEAL or a fighter pilot. Realistically, those were never going to come to fruition. I just don’t have the discipline for those. When I was in high school trying to figure out what I wanted to major in I talked to my counselor, and she asked what I liked to do. I told her I enjoyed building things, so she suggested an engineer. The only problem with that choice, was it involved a natural science. The thing about natural sciences is, they don’t interest me at all, and I am terrible at them! Unfortunately, it took me almost not graduating to figure that out (I took Chem II Honors my senior year and almost failed). Luckily, that same year I also took Mr. Howard’s Accounting basics class to fill a requirement. I say luckily, because I absolutely loved it and that is what I chose as my major.

I took this newfound “love” and I enrolled at Penn State Behrend (Erie, PA) in the accounting program. The first two years weren’t great. It was the first time I had been away from home and the core classes I had chosen were not good. Once the accounting classes started, I began making friends and I would say those last two years were the most fun years I had up until that point. I had considered transferring to Main Campus, but I am so glad I didn’t because I don’t think I would have had the same experience.

Once I graduated, I moved back home and got a job working for a small broker-dealer in Pittsburgh. It was an entry-level job, but it was a job, and I took that time to take the CPA to become an actual accountant. The issue with that was, I failed all the tests I took, and it was at that moment I realized that accounting wasn’t for me. I still loved numbers, so instead I chose to pursue a career in finance. It was a wise decision. I moved from the small-broker dealer to a larger investment company. I worked there for seven years and was ready to switch professions because I couldn’t find anyone to hire me outside of that company. Finally, I got a job at my current company, and I have never been happier or less stressed at work. The company I work for, Thermo Fisher Scientific is the world leader in serving science. Basically, if it has to do with science or medicine our company is involved. Whether it is lab equipment, or chemicals, freezers, we make it or work as a supplier to those who do make it. I am proud to say that I work for a company that has had a major impact in helping the world get back to normal these last few years.

How I Occupy My Free Time

  • Spending time with family
    • Watching Graham and Audri grow up.
    • Taking them on walks to the park, the zoo, and to museums (especially Smithsonian museums)
  • Golfing – either with my dad or friends. Favorite local course is Rittswood.
  • Watching any sports on TV
    • Hockey, golf, and baseball are my favorite
  • Completing small carpentry projects around the house
    • Cheaper than hiring someone
    • Feel a sense of accomplishment when finished
  • Relaxing with a good scotch/bourbon or IPA on our back deck

How Jocelyn and I Met

I had just gotten back from a guy’s trip to Ocean City, MD and I got my jury summons in the mail. Now, this was my second summons in 5 years, so I thought I knew what to expect. I guess it was fate though, because despite me not wanting to go I went anyways.

I showed up a few minutes early, just to make sure I wasn’t that person running in after things had started. I grabbed a seat near the middle and started to people watch to cure my boredom. This cute girl walked in and sat in the front row. I can’t really describe it, but I just had an urge to introduce myself. There were two problems, we were at jury duty, so I couldn’t just go up to her. Secondly, and most importantly, I just didn’t have the courage to walk up to a random girl and say hi.

I spent the entire day not able to look away, no matter how hard I tried. We broke for lunch, and I thought that was my best chance. Unfortunately, she was talking to the guy who she sat next to all morning. I thought that was it. But like I said earlier, it had to have been fate. They wanted to reseat us for the next case. It was my lucky day because they sat us next to each other. At this point, I had no excuse, so I took my shot and decided to say something to her…

Stay tuned and I will have the complete story (from my perspective) at a later date!!


We currently live just north of the city with our two beautiful children.

Graham is my mini me and he was born in January 2019. I could not have asked for a more perfect combination of the two of us. He lights up our world, and those he encounters. We call him the “Mayor” because of his friendliness to everyone he meets.

Audriana was born in September 2021, and she is our “rainbow baby”. She loves food and is not afraid to yell what is on her mind. She’s only six months old and she already amazes us at the things she can do, as well as her contagious personality.

It has been a crazy adjustment raising two kids, especially with everything that is going on in the world. But I have the perfect partner to help make this ride enjoyable.

I hope you stick around to grow with us!