
Hi, I’m Jocelyn and I’m so happy you’re here and hope you stay along to become part of our family. I grew up in a small suburb outside of Pittsburgh, PA. I am the oldest of three children, I have a younger sister and a younger brother. We may not have gotten along growing up, and we still don’t always see eye-to-eye, but I don’t know what I would do without them now! I majored in Early Childhood and Special Education at Westminster College. I was so nervous for college, because honestly, I hated being away from home. When I was little I went away to camp as a girl scout and it was traumatic – my 2nd grade self hated every second of being away and I cried myself to sleep holding my bunny and a picture of my mom and dad.  I never cared for sleep overs either after that…anyway I was surprised at how much I enjoyed being at school. I made some great friends, loved the campus, had lots of freedoms, and I liked my classes too. Fast-forward to the first day back to school, second semester of my freshman year, my dad’s health declined and back home I went. It’s been 11 years without him, and it still doesn’t feel real some days. I was an emotional mess and did not want to go back to school. I wanted to just stay home and never leave again. I knew my dad wouldn’t want me to give up on my dream of being a teacher, so I went back for him! College was a crazy ride, and I had experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. I also graduated and obtained my teaching license. That same 2nd grade girl scout that hated being at camp, was jumping for joy because she knew she was going to be a teacher one day! I got my first job working at a daycare, where I worked in both the toddler room and the preschool room. From there I got a job at a public school teaching 3rd grade learning support. At the same school, I was able to start an elementary emotional support room. I loved the work I was doing with my students as an emotional support teacher, but I felt that there was more that I could be doing for them. I took that desire to help my students and began my Masters in school counseling. Following my graduation from that program, I became the middle school counselor in the same district. Later, I applied, interviewed, and got a position at a different school district. I am currently on maternity leave from that position, where I work as a transition counselor. My job is to work with students in special education, ages 14-21 to help prepare them and their families for life after high school. My job has gone full circle from teaching elementary special education students, to seeing special education students use the skills and knowledge they have learned to prepare for the “real world”.

My Favorite Things

Baking – cookies, cakes, muffins, pies, bread, you name it! Currently working on perfecting my macarons and my cake decorating skills. Reading – murder mysteries are my fav Crafting – I find any excuse to use my Cricut machine Going on adventures with my family – we love the zoo, going for walks, exploring the city, visiting other places (Washington D.C. is a family favorite = free museums!) Photography – I actually am lucky enough to work as an associate photographer over the summers with my good friend, Jenny at The Bainbridge Studio

How Eric and I Met

Our first picture together
Two weeks after graduation I appeared at the Allegheny County Court House for jury duty! I was so annoyed I had to be there, it was my first time and I had no idea what to expect. I showed up a little late because of traffic, and took the first seat I could find. I sat next to a Pittsburgh City Police Officer. He was a really nice guy, and I got lucky enough to sit by him during the first round of juror interviews. We talked the whole time and he even came and sat next to me during break. After break, it was time to begin the second round of interviews so we got new seats. This time around I sat next to a cute guy wearing a Royal Blue polo and a nice part of Grey dress pants….now Eric says he made the first move, but it was me; I leaned over and told him that I liked his pants. We talked the whole time and made up silly stories about the lady cop at the front of the room. I think its safe to say we hit it off right away! After my interview, I came back to my seat with my paper and he told me that meant I had to come back for jury duty; he told me he worked downtown and asked if I wanted to do lunch the next day since I had to come back downtown. I said yes 🙂 and he gave me his number right before I was called to the front of the room. I told my mom and aunt about him when they picked me up that day, and then I made sure to check his Facebook when I got home to make sure he wasn’t some creep….haha We went to dinner the following day, and have been together ever since! We got married on June 23, 2017 at the Renaissance Hotel, and it was perfect!
Photo by The Bainbridge Studio


We currently live right outside of the city with our two beautiful children. Graham was born on January 30, 2019. He’s an amazing little boy with the sweetest soul. He loves to bake with mommy, he loves to dance, he loves soccer and playing at the playground. He’s big into spider-man, dinosaurs and Mickey Mouse. He’s so smart and kind, and I am so blessed to be is momma and get to watch him grow. Our beautiful rainbow baby, Audriana was born on September 19, 2021. She is developing her own little personality, and is loving any and all solid foods! She is developing so many new skills and I can not wait to see what she does next.

Raising two babies has been an adjustment, but I wouldn’t change it for the world! Our little family is my favorite thing and I can’t wait to keep doing life and making more memories with them.